

Sustainable property development

We honor the unique relationship between a building or structure and the land upon which it sits, including surrounding environmental, geographical, geological and ecological factors. We work with permaculture designers and alternative technology experts to ensure holistic construction methods and genuine sustainability. We strive to see every project within the context of the bigger picture, and consider the impacts of what we create on the greater social, cultural, political, and environmental landscape.

commercial construction

Large scale commercial construction has been one of the leading causes of environmental degradation and carbon emissions globally for centuries. We believe commercial construction from the architecture to the materials has the potential to tie natural and built environments together, in a way that unites communities through the services that are provided through commercial spaces. Commercial construction has the greatest potential to set new standards and examples of sustainability and to be emblematic of human ingenuity and innovation that includes honoring nature and the surrounding environment.


remodel and repair

The best way to exhibit sustainability is to reduce our consumption rates in general as much as possible. We are passionate about providing thorough analyses of sites to identify and plan for the salvage and reclamation of old materials and features. Through repairing, repurposing, and refurbishing as many materials as possible, we minimize our consumption rates, carbon footprint, and find new value and charisma for materials.

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new home construction

Throughout our career it has been apparent that we continue to build with the same materials, techniques, and technologies that we have for hundreds of years. Founded in an era where not only did we perhaps lack certain regard for nature and natural resources, we also truly did live in natural resource abundance as a smaller population in a new frontier. Many of these materials and methods are now outdated and our resources are at risk as well as the environments and ecosystems we harvest or mine them from. We continue to research and implement new methods and materials in our repertoire to offer and showcase to our clients. From aircrete, hempcrete, natural plasters, non-toxic materials, reclaimed materials to bamboo laminated structural panels and beams, we are always attempting to research and learn about new techniques and methods of building new green homes.

custom Electrical and solar

As technology advances, we continue implementing and installing smart home technologies that lead to more energy-efficient and low-consumption systems fueled by alternative and renewable energy. In this way, we can create homes that not only have net-zero energy use, but feed back into the surrounding community’s energy grid. We hope to incorporate solar energy into every single new structure and development. Through our strategic partnerships with solar installers we are able to install both ground mount and roof mount residential and commercial solar systems.

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Demolition is the greatest opportunity to implement practices such as recycling and salvaging of materials. Thoughtful demolition can result in obtaining unique and high-value materials that can be given new life in a wide array of new projects. Part of our demolition strategy involves doing a preliminary assessment and calculation of what materials can be salvaged and carefully extracting them during the demolition. Later, all metals, usable lumber and wood products, appliances, and other materials are separated and repurposed in the same or other projects. Anything that cannot be reused by us is either brought to a respective recycling facility, and biodegradable materials are brought to green waste facilities to be turned back into compost or new soil.